Judge David E. Silverman
Harvey Ford Award Recipient
Conference of County Court Judges of Florida
July 19, 2023
Judge of the County Court
18th Judicial Circuit in and for Brevard County, Florida
Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Justice Center
2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL 32940-8006
Tel. (321) 617-7284
Judicial Assistant ~ Alexis.Leclerc@flcourts18.org
Appearance by Videoconference
In accordance with the guidelines found on the Scheduling page, counsel
and litigants may appear for certain proceedings by videoconference.
To appear by videoconference, click on the link and follow the instructions ~
Welcome to the website of Judge David E. Silverman.
These pages are presented in an effort to better serve the public in my judicial capacity. They are designed to facilitate scheduling hearings and to promote communication.
It is important for judges to obtain feedback and I invite you to comment on
this website or on any aspect of my administration. Please do not
hesitate to contact me in person at my chambers in the Moore Justice Center, by
telephone, fax or e-mail at the above address.
The remaining pages are entitled Information, Calendar, Scheduling, Filings and Recordings, and may be accessed through the buttons at the top of this page.
The Information page provides biographical information about my current position, prior employment, education and experience.
The Calendar page links to a recently updated calendar for my division listing the time and date of proceedings. Review of the calendar may permit interested persons to identify available hearing time and to verify that a given hearing has been set. The Calendar page also links you to the Clerk of Court's web page providing case information.
The Scheduling page provides a brief explanation of the proceedings reflected in the calendar, guidelines for scheduling proceedings and email access to the Court's Judicial Assistant to facilitate requests for hearing time.
The Filings page sets forth guidelines for the electronic submission of proposed judgments and orders to the Court in a manner that facilitates efiling with the Clerk.
The Recordings page offers access to digital audio and video recordings of hearings held in my courtroom at the Moore Justice Center.
Nothing contained in this web site constitutes legal advice which may be obtained by consulting an attorney licensed by The Florida Bar.
Thank you for examining and using this website.
This website was prepared on Microsoft FrontPage 2003 © with a background graphic courtesy of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida.