Requests for Recordings
This page offers an opportunity to access recorded court hearings conducted by Judge David E. Silverman.
Criminal proceedings held before Judge Silverman are recorded by an audiovisual recording system using a digital cameras with a wide angle lenses designed to view both the podium and the witness stand. Sound is recorded through microphones in the courtroom that pick up the speaker’s voice and filter out other noise. The location of the speaker is identified on the screen.
The hearings are recorded onto files that may be played on a Windows Media Player© or another media device capable of playing the file. You may click on the hyperlink in this paragraph to determine whether your computer has the capacity to play court recordings.
This system has made court proceedings more available to the public. If you desire to obtain the recording of a recorded hearing you may request a copy of this system, either by CD or a typed transcript, by contacting the Court or the Office of Court Administration. Your request should include your name, the name of your client, the case number, your telephone number, your email address, the hearing date, the judge, the courtroom and the type of hearing. Webcam Test