This page offers access to several rulings, orders and opinions authored by Judge David E. Silverman.  Others are available through the Court or as published in the Florida Law Weekly Supplement.  Please click on any featured order that you would like to view.


List of Orders and Opinions


Order for Pretrial Conference and Mediation


Small Claims Pretrial Conference - Introductory Statement


Small Claims Pretrial Conference - Visual Presentation


Riverfront Developers v. City of Titusville (city charter amendment referendum)


State of Florida v. Tony Joe Isley (DUI search warrant for blood extraction)


State of Florida v. Thomas Joseph Fuller (Intoxilyzer)


Family Law Order  - (Custody modification - redacted)


State of Florida v. Mitchell E. Qualls (political speech on private property)


Barzen v. Fountainhead Memorial Park (responsibilities of funeral home)